Devin Burke — Sleep Science Academy Founder and Personal Sleep Trainer

Devin Burke from Sleep Science Academy sat down with me to talk about the importance of sleep in our lives. Why do we need to sleep? How important is sleep? What are some ways that we can help ourselves to sleep better at night and wake up more refreshed and energized? We also get into dreams, lucid dreaming, and understanding what is actually happening in our bodies while we sleep. And, as always, there are some gems in here that you will probably change your whole outlook on sleep and the way your brain works.
It is my belief that when you are ready, the medicine will find you. this has become somewhat of a theme with these episodes. So, please, if you are listening to this and you are like, "Yeah. I actually do have some issues with sleep," then please take a minute to reach out to Devin. His online course and remote training sessions just might change your life.
Go to https://sleepscienceacademy.com for more information. And follow Devin on youtube https://www.youtube.com/@DevinBurke